Sunday, December 30, 2007

5S3 contact list

I've made up a list of our classmates. You can view it here.

P/S: If you'd like to add any missing details, please contact me!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Regarding the gathering

I was being informed bout this gathering stuff pretty late I guess.

First of all I'm quite surprise to read Toh Wai's post. I'm glad enough someone else other than me would volunteer to organise the gathering.

However, one thing I found that TW keep referring this gathering as "Last Gathering", which I found it less appropriate. I know many of us will be moving on elsewhere pretty soon in next year or the year to come, but I dont think that will stop us from having future gatherings.

From TW's message, I sense desperation and disappointment in his tone. I can understand this because to be honest, our class is not as united as the other classes.

Well, TW mentioned "unfamiliar relationship" within classmates, this statement is partially true.

I understand that not everyone in the class know each other very well, at least. For this case, it's only a part of people only.

I personally think that we should not blame those who cant attend, or refuse to attend. After all, it's up to themselves to decide whether they're coming or not. Also, we must consider our friends who're no longer in KL too. Some of them will not be available because of working, and that cannot be helped. Of course, in any sorts of gathering, usually a few person will not turn up due to various reasons. So, we'll try our best to get everyone gather around.

Also TW, the date for confirmation is set too rush. It's just only 2 days to go, and I'm afraid the news cannot reach some of our friends that soon.

Then again, I stress out that this IS NOT our LAST GATHERING. It is a suicidal move to call it the last gathering, sounds like there's no more chances for us S3ers to gather again.

Oh, and Toh Wai, do have faith with our classmates, although they may look uncooperative at times. We have no one to blame for this lack of enthusiasm among classmates, but I also think that we shouldn't make it sounds so bad bout our classmates right?

Contact me on MSN or mobile to further discuss bout this gathering.

C Ling Fan
017-3636 026

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This year's class gathering

I'm planning to make a reunion for all of us S3s. But, I will only plan it after mid of Nov, after my last exam. After that, I'm free to do anything til next January~

OK so here's my suggestions:

Date: somewhere around Nov to Dec, ideally weekend Saturday (many people can come out).
Time: Afternoon or evening.
Venue: Uncertain (Sam having problem to goto other's house because of personal issues, so better make it to a public place).

As for the transportation, I dont think this will be a problem for now because many of us knew how to drive already, so it's possible to fetch friends. Just give us a message bout it and we'll figure it out.

So this is all my plans for the upcoming gathering. I shall plan everything in detail after my exam OK? Wish me luck so that I've better moods to plan this lol.

Any comments just tell me in the comments, or message me personally.

Ling Fan.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

News From Miss Siah

Our ex-form teacher, Miss Siah will have her last teaching year at Chong Hwa this year. Next year she will not available at Chong Hwa but will start her new life at her neighbourhood by teaching 'an ching ban', primary school student after schools.

"It may be a busy days at chonghwa""students are hard to teach" etc. problems caused her to have a leave. But I'm sure she will have a nicer days next year , do you agree with?

Friday, June 08, 2007

Hello again 5S3/2006

Hahah it's been awhile classmates from 5S3 didnt meet. The last meeting was during Ming Hong's birthday few weeks ago at his home. Too bad just a few of 5S3s turn up for his party. :(

So, anyone still remember this blog? Need some contacts? If you've any problems or questions wanna find people to talk to, you can find me(CLF) or Toh Wai to sort it out ok?

My contacts, if you need....
017-3636 026

Best regards,
Ling Fan.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dear Our Lovely Classmates..

Dear Our Lovely Classmates,

Please send your SPM results to Miss Lim Guat Hong...

Please forward or tell your other classmates if possible...

Your sacrifices are much appreciate.. Thank You..

For those who don't know Miss Lim's phone number, please send message to or to ling fan to get her phone number.You have to notice who are you to protect miss lim's phone number for letting other unknown to know about it ..Thank You..